Tuesday 14 May 2013

Festival time's a-coming!

Festival preparations for this year began last year, shortly after the end of Slapdash 2012. And now, in less than a month, we'll be in the thick of the Slapdash International Improv Festival 2013. And what a festival this year will be!

We've got guests coming in from:

  • Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Wuerzberg, Germany
  • Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Tampere, Finland
  • Philadelphia, USA
  • New York, USA

And this roster of international guests will be buffeted by some of the finest UK-based improv talent. So if you like improv, make sure you've got time for Slapdash, it's gonna be a good 'un.

There will be shows, and workshops, and... more shows... and more workshops. There will be trips from our London base to Brighton and Nottingham, and there will be long breakfasts and late nights and lots of talk and play of an improvised nature. And more.

Volunteers are being assembled, stages are being built, tickets are being booked and things are coming together.

And tickets are already online.

Get ready.


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